Friday, May 8, 2009

namaste narasimhaya!

Last youth group, 2 May 09, was at Mehul and Meera’s place, the topic, with Nrsingadev’s appearance day just few days away, was naturally “Nrsingadev!” Mehul and Meera researched unusual aspects and sweet pastimes of this attractive Lord and His dear devotee, Prahlad Maharaja. We all read these out and shared realizations, pastimes and important points that we can take back into our own lives. Jai Nrsimha!

Under the caring guidance of Reshma Matajee the Bhaktivedenta College kids together with our youth group guys arranged a play for Nrsingadev’s festival. As we discussed sound, props and actors there was much excitement to have everything ready in time.

The result on the auspicious day was truly enchanting! With a smooth blend of humor and seriousness the actors captivate their audience and had them clapping and jiving to Prahlad Maharaja’s kirtan, shouting out in surprise at Nrsinga dev bursting out of the pillar and laughing at the funny antics of the demon teachers.

All in all a super festival and a super, super play! Thank you, dear youth group members for your great enthusiasm and just for being great people.

“Glory to Lord Nrisimha,Lord Nrisimha with mother Laksmi. All glories,all glories all glories to Sri Sri Laksmi-Nrisimha. I offer my humble obeisances to Lord Mahavisnu in the form of Lord Nrisimhadeva. He is the furious hero, Who's mouth is blazing in all directions. Lord Nrisimha is tremendously auspicious and He is death for the death personified All glories to Nrisimhadeva! All glories to Nrisimhadeva,who is the Lord of Prahlad Maharaj and, like the honeybee,is always engaged in beholding the lotus-like face of the goddess of fortune."

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