Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Eternal Purpose!

2 weeks back we had youth group at Manoj’s place and he lead us in a discussion...or rather several debates leading up to the answer of what is our eternal purpose! Between Caitanya Prabhu and Isvara Puri Prabhu several doubts were removed. The meaning of attachment and the value of yukta vairagya was discussed. How one becomes fortunate enough to meet a devotee is amazing. Are u going to take the staircase or are you going to take the elevator to the top?? The elevator of course! And what is the elevator to get to the top, to fulfil our eternal purpose? Manoj sang it to us as follows:

sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebho
mokshayisyami ma sucah

Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

Etavan sankhya yogabhyam
Janma-labhah parah pumsam
Ante narayana smrtih

The highest perfection of human life, achieved either by complete knowledge of matter and spirit, by practice of mystic powers or by perfect discharge of occupational duty is to REMEMBER THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD AT THE END OF LIFE!

Something to remember!
Krishna is completely independent and self-satisfied, He accepts service from His devotees, and thus remains at the centre of their lives.

Last weeks youth group was held at Meenal’s place where we delved in to our favorite topic of PRASADAM! We’ve found new value is being a Krishnatarian instead of an ordinary vegetarian and the great value of ekadasi and why and for who do we follow it.

Thank you guys for leading these nice topics, it’s certainly been enlightening.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blooming in the pond of love...

Haribol wonderful devotees
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances. All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

We enjoyed yet another book club meeting last night. The beautiful bhajan Manah-siksha, Teachings to the Mind (from Präthanä) was sweetly sung by Sitala Matajee and cartels melodiously played by Kandarpa Matajee and Hemisha Matajee.

We read the Teachings of Queen Kunti, although many of us had not completed our books, we had read them before and whatever we read now we greatly appreciated and absorbed the lessons.

Gita Govinda Matajee discussed the point where Srila Prabhupada says that Krishna is the worshipable God and the spiritual master is the worshiper God, a very nice point.

Kandarpa Matajee spoke about the vision of the lotuses and how beautiful Krishna is and whose glance is cool as the lotus. She also mentioned that if we dress the Lord beautifully we feel spiritually satisfied which is far better than beautifying ourselves.

Nayan Matajee mentioned how she admired Queen Kunti who had beared so much as a single parent but always had the mercy of Krishna, Prabha Matajee and Indira Matajee agreed.

Aarti Matajee mentioned how Queen Kunti would pray to Krishna for calamities so that Krishna would always be near and Hemisha Matajee also agreed.
Sitala Matajee mentioned that Krishna is so attractive and described how Srila Prabhupada says that when we do devotional service we also become attractive. She also mentioned how Krishna and Radharani are not envious so it’s really wonderful to love Them.

I mentioned how insignificant our problems are compared to what Queen Kunti and her family had to face. Krishna protected them from poisoned cake, a great fire and cannibals!

We would like to thank Hemisha Matajee and Indira Matajee for hosting our book club meeting and for the scrumptious prasadam. Thank you to the other Matajees who also provided prasadam. Maha prasadam ki jai!

Sitala Matajee had a surprise for us; she was so kind and took the time and effort to make a bracelet and a note for each of us out of Maha beads. We all deeply appreciated her loving gesture.

Our blue lotuses are blooming in the pond of love at our meetings and are blossoming in the loving exchanges and association of each precious blue lotus flower.


Your loving servant

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why we do the things we do

Last youth group, 9 May 09, Sunaina and sisters came up with this topic and led the discussion in describing what it was like for them coming to the temple and seeing all sorts of things being done but not knowing why it was being done and generally just following what everyone else was doing.

There were some important ones and some funny ones:

We spoke about why we need a guru. Isn’t the scriptures enough?
Why 16 rounds? should we push for 16 or go slow until we are ready?
Why be vegetarian? Isn’t killing plants also a violent act? Is it better to be a potato in Bengal or a human being in South Africa?
What does it mean when someone puts their hand on you and then puts their hand to his head? Is that person calling you or what?

The discussion was good especially since Caitanya Prabhu was able to join us after a very, very, very long time. Between him, Isvara Puri, Sunaina and Mehul there was lots of laughter and fun.

We ended the day playing transcendental treasure hunt.

Friday, May 8, 2009

namaste narasimhaya!

Last youth group, 2 May 09, was at Mehul and Meera’s place, the topic, with Nrsingadev’s appearance day just few days away, was naturally “Nrsingadev!” Mehul and Meera researched unusual aspects and sweet pastimes of this attractive Lord and His dear devotee, Prahlad Maharaja. We all read these out and shared realizations, pastimes and important points that we can take back into our own lives. Jai Nrsimha!

Under the caring guidance of Reshma Matajee the Bhaktivedenta College kids together with our youth group guys arranged a play for Nrsingadev’s festival. As we discussed sound, props and actors there was much excitement to have everything ready in time.

The result on the auspicious day was truly enchanting! With a smooth blend of humor and seriousness the actors captivate their audience and had them clapping and jiving to Prahlad Maharaja’s kirtan, shouting out in surprise at Nrsinga dev bursting out of the pillar and laughing at the funny antics of the demon teachers.

All in all a super festival and a super, super play! Thank you, dear youth group members for your great enthusiasm and just for being great people.

“Glory to Lord Nrisimha,Lord Nrisimha with mother Laksmi. All glories,all glories all glories to Sri Sri Laksmi-Nrisimha. I offer my humble obeisances to Lord Mahavisnu in the form of Lord Nrisimhadeva. He is the furious hero, Who's mouth is blazing in all directions. Lord Nrisimha is tremendously auspicious and He is death for the death personified All glories to Nrisimhadeva! All glories to Nrisimhadeva,who is the Lord of Prahlad Maharaj and, like the honeybee,is always engaged in beholding the lotus-like face of the goddess of fortune."