Monday, February 16, 2009

Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai! Jai Nitai!

Man! What a festival!

Last youth group we went around asking each member what was their favourite moment in the festival hosted by our youth group. In all responses the service they performed was appreciated the most. We are servants, servants of the most amazing Lords and so we are only truly happy when we engage in His service.

Thank you dear members of the Lenasia Sri Mayapur Dham Youth Group & the Blue Lotus Book Club.

Thank you to the vegetable cutters and cooks, headed by Gita Govinda dd and Kandarpa Manjari dd

Thank you to the décor peeps, headed by Hemisha and Sitala dd

Thank you to the Prasadam serve out team, headed by Srivas das

Thank you to the welcoming party, headed by Sunaina and Syamarani dd
Thank you to the garland makers, headed by Gita Govinda dd

Thank you for working together so nicely – that was the reason for our success. And was the festival a success?? Well, a kind Vaisnava tells that he thought it was:


Hare Krishna
Please accept my humble obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to all you wonderful devotees.

I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation to the team of devotees who arranged the fabulous celebration of Lord Nitiananda’s Appearance at the Lenasia Mandir.

Thank you very much.

The reception was very heartwarming.
Being greeted upon entrance and being welcomed by very young devotees was a splendid idea. The new generation were presenting themselves as future leaders of Iskcon. Their smiles of welcome spoke volumes on the ecstasy of service to the Supreme Lord.

Being offered a garland in welcome, as well as an embrace, by a very young vaisnava really stole my heart.

The temple room was absolutely beautiful. The elevated signage, expertly composed, revealed the finesse of the organizers; a whole new input of fresh ideas to capture one’s attention and induce query and appreciation.

The massive poster of Lord Nitiananda’s feet (with symbols) was very well presented. Yet again a superb example of devotional expertise!

I looked around and saw many senior vaisnavas wearing “Welcome” garlands. The senior Vaisnavis were not forgotten, and that really meant a lot to me.

Having devotees from our various temples and preaching outposts meet at one venue for this fabulous celebration was a splendid arrangement.

I loved the “report back” made to the Lordships of goals attained during the past year, as well as the commitments being made for the present term.

Overall, a most wonderful festival that brought us all together in glorious surrender to the Lordships, our beloved Srila Prabhupäda, and the warm embrace of our fellow vaisnavas in the House that Prabhupada built.

May you all be eternally blessed in your glorious service to Srila Prabhupäda.

Your servants, as always

Prabhavisnu dasa;
Premä Bhakti devi dasi.


May we be always engaged in positive attitude in the Devine service our Lords!

Jai Nitai!

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