Monday, July 14, 2008

Any closer to Krishna?

Never has a book been so clear, so direct, so certain, so capable of removing doubt. Srila Prabhupada openly, with clear logic instructs us in Sri Isopanisad what it means to be a human being.

The title itself is so wonderful: Sri Isopanisad – Knowledge that brings one nearer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna!

As Hemisha mentions the book starts of with a “BANG!” describing the 4 defects of human life and holds our attention right through to the end of Mantra 18 - a powerful prayer to the Lord to please remember us at the time of our death.

Yes! Krishna is Supreme! And how He is the supreme is carefully described in this wonderful book. Sri Isopanisad urges us to be a true human being, to free ourselves from the modern so called “civilisation”. To be true to ourselves, to find completeness within ourselves when we discover and realise that we are a part of something majestically complete in itself!

I and the rest of the Blue Lotus Book Club members urge each and every one of you to read this compelling book. It is filled with truths that will blow all your doubts away. It does as the title suggests – it brings us closer to Krishna.

At the end of the day isn’t that what we all want?

With great pleasure we move on to our next book. We have a long stretch ahead of us as the book we are reading this time may take more time and attention to grasp.

The book is: Teachings of Lord Caitanya – read until Chapter 25.

We will convene on the 18th of August for another transcendental evening of exchanging realisations … and (how can I forget) spectacular PRASADAM!

See you all there!

Your servants of the servants
blue lotuses desiring the lotus feet of Lord Krishna

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