Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Blue lotuses desiring the lotus feet of the Lord

We, the Blue Lotus people, are happy to announce another book completed!

KRSNA Book is amazing! It's like Reena said, her favorite part about it was how every reading makes us more Krishna conscious. - Isn't that the whole point of us being part of this Hare Krishna movement??

Sirla Prabhupada describes this transcendental reading:

"To hear about Krishna from Vedic literatures, or to hear from Him directly through the Bhagavad-Gita, is itself righteous activity. And for one who hears about Krishna, Lord Krishna, who is dwelling in everyone's heart, acts as a best-wishing friend and purifies the devotee who constantly engages in hearing of Him. In this way, a devotee naturally develops his dormant transcendental knowledge. As he hears more about Krishna from the Bhāgavatam and from the devotees, he becomes fixed in the devotional service of the Lord. By development of devotional service one becomes freed from the modes of passion and ignorance, and thus material lusts and avarice are diminished. When these impurities are wiped away, the candidate remains steady in his position of pure goodness, becomes enlivened by devotional service and understands the science of God perfectly. Thus bhakti-yoga severs the hard knot of material affection and enables one to come at once to the stage of asamìśayamì-samagram, understanding of the Supreme Absolute Truth Personality of Godhead." (Bhāg. 1.2.17-21)

On this auspicious note we begin reading our next book: Sri Isopanisad.

Why this book? Well, because none of us have actually read it! I'm looking forward to seeing what amazing nectar Srila Prabhupada has spilt in to this book. Whatever it is I'm sure the experience is going to be fabulous.

Next book club is at

Hemisha's place: 33 Quail Str, Ext 1 Lenz
Monday, 30 June 2008 at 7PM

See you all there!


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