Last Saturday’s youth group topic was “Expanding consciousness” the idea is that as you evolve spiritually you become more aware of things, people, actions, etc around you. Where before you may have quite easily have been rude to someone, now you know they are a spirit soul, a part of Krishna and so should be respected. Like this our every action becomes a conscious activity.
We played a game where we elected Mehul as a psychiatrist. Between the rest of us we agreed that we would all pretend we were the person to our left. So Mehul had to determine what our mental illness was. He could only ask yes/no questions. It was quite funny as we’d tried to sneak looks at the person to our left to answer accordingly. In the end with the help of the latecomers, Sunaina and sisters, they managed to crack the pattern.
The point is that we are all suffering due to this illness of not knowing who we are. Its pure craziness (as Mehul would confirm!) to think that you are this body existing for only a short while. When you realise you are spirit soul, very easily your consciousness can be expanded, because then you are seeing or seeking to see the bigger picture.
We played a game where we elected Mehul as a psychiatrist. Between the rest of us we agreed that we would all pretend we were the person to our left. So Mehul had to determine what our mental illness was. He could only ask yes/no questions. It was quite funny as we’d tried to sneak looks at the person to our left to answer accordingly. In the end with the help of the latecomers, Sunaina and sisters, they managed to crack the pattern.
The point is that we are all suffering due to this illness of not knowing who we are. Its pure craziness (as Mehul would confirm!) to think that you are this body existing for only a short while. When you realise you are spirit soul, very easily your consciousness can be expanded, because then you are seeing or seeking to see the bigger picture.