The Journey Home
Radhanath Swami
On Monday Blue Lotus’s got together for the long awaited and much anticipated Book Club gathering.
We missed each other’s association but more so we were bursting to with realisations from Radhanath Swami’s autobiography- The Journey Home.
And what a journey it was...
This is a highly recommended book that had us laughing and crying.
You are left with a feeling of disbelief at the events that unfolded on his journey to India,
Just when you think it cannot get any worse.. it really does.. yet Radhanath Swami’s dedication and devotion to pursue his path to spiritual realisation was both humbling and truly inspiring. And out of the most trying experiences, his Faith allows him to find Gods lesson in everything.
One really feels like he was chosen specifically by Krsna
As He was so fortunate to hear Krsna’s direction to Him to go to India as well as having the Maha Mantra delivered to him through the Ganges River.. what a special soul He is to receive such amazing mercy.
His experiences or realisations on his journey even resulted in Him following the 4 regulative principals before he came to ISKCON... so when he met Prabhupada he was home.
He said to Prabhupada, I want to offer you my Life..
After hearing those words, Prbahupada responded saying .. Now you are home
I end my review with some words out of this amazing book where Cidananda Swami preaches to Radhanath Swami about chanting:
You should practice chanting Lords name
Until you reach a state in which the japa goes on uninterruptedly in the mind even while
sitiing or standing
Eating of drinking
Walking or working
Waking or sleeping
Hari Haribol
Your servant
Sunaina on behalf of the Blue Lotus Book Club
Hope to see you at the next gathering where we will discuss the book:
Laws of Nature