Friday, April 10, 2009

We sure got the crowd laughing :o)

For Rama Naumi our youth group volunteered to perform a play for the pleasure of the Lord and His sweet devotees.

It was a hectic time for me and so the bulk of the play planning and organising was left to these young members who took up the task with enthusiasm and a level of commitment that was pleasing to witness.

The result was a performance filled elements of these guys own enduring natures.

Vivek as the hot-tempered Lukshman had the crowd laughing as he portrayed Lakshman with some serious aTTiTude!

Meenal as sage Vishvamitra looked regal as she besieged Dasaratha to give Rama to him. Manoj played the part of grave, noble Rama perfectly… urm … at least until he couldn’t get his plastic arrows into his bow and then had to throw the arrows to kill Tataka!

Kamsa played by Roshan brought out more bursts of laughter from the crowd as he boasted the pride of his demon prowess. Deepan and Trusheel played there parts of kings and demons perfectly, thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Gentle Meera can’t help but look sweet even when she is playing the male part of King Janaka.

And our saving grace, Radha, who at the last moment was asked to play the demoness Tataka portrayed her part so well with only a last minute rehearsal, we will definitely be calling upon her acting capabilities again!

Jai Rama!

A special thanks goes to these 3 actors who did the bulk planning.

Manoj headed up the co-ordination of the play.

Mehul looked after the sound side of it.

Meenal took care of the props and costumes.

All glories to your service! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Lord Ramachandra!