Haribol friends....
Book after book ... Srila Prabhupada never ceases to amaze us...
From his writings to the dear memories captured of him by devotees... We are left relishing the sweet nectar that our Blue Lotus Book Club has afforded us yet again
Yesterday evening we discussed “Srila Prabhupada is coming” by Mahamaya Devi Dasi…
What a beautiful life story that she tells with tender care and brutal honesty..
One cannot help but appreciate and admire her for having done so.
Her journey from Sin to Surrender was awe-inspiring.. she grabbed Krishna Consciousness with so much passion and enthusiasm that allowed her to overcome the darkest of times
“Try out Krsna Consciousness for just one lifetime.. What do you have to lose??”… she was told..
and so she did and gained her true purpose in life
Srila Prabhupada saved her soul… and through her story ... he continues to save us.. What a great motivational book to urge devotees to serve Krsna no matter the circumstance
We truly hope to see you at our next book club on the 16th of Feb to discuss
"Nectar of Instruction"
Hari Haribol!!!!
Your servants,
on behalf of The Blue Lotus Book Club
on behalf of The Blue Lotus Book Club